120.00 400.00 

  • +30,000 channels and VOD
  • FHD, HD and SD quality
  • Free trails
  • 98% Stable
  • 1 connection
  • Panel with tickets system


After ordering a Basic reseller account, you receive the link to the Panel just for the first time, with your username and password which you can change later. The panel is accessible via any browser either on your computer or on your smartphone/tablet.

On your Reseller Panel dashboard you will find the number of credits ordered that you can use to create accounts for your customers. Here’s how you can use your credits:

  • 1 credit = 12 months
  • 0.5 credit = 6 months
  • 2.5 credit = 3 months
  • 0.1 credit = 1 month
  • 0 credit = 12 hours free trail

* 10 credits = 10 12-month accounts / 20 6-month accounts / 40 3-month accounts / 100 1-month accounts.

* To have the option of having sub-resellers, you need to order 50 credits.

* Note that there is no expiration date for credits remaining on your account (panel) until you sell everything.

The ticket system is available to report problems to the technical team.

Your Panel or credits is activated in 1 hour on average and 8 hours max.

Additional information


10 Credits, 20 Credits, 30 Credits, 40 Credits, 50 Credits

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